Carolina Dental Partners Sedation Dentistry Hartsville SC

Feel Relaxed and Comfortable with IV Sedation Dentistry

Don’t let your fear of the dentist hold you back. You aren’t alone. Plenty of people feel anxious about dental procedures. We understand! But dental care is essential and you can’t let those feelings stop you from getting the treatments you need. At Carolina Dental Partners, we offer IV sedation dentistry for adults. You get to relax and have a stress-free dental experience.

One of a Kind in Kershaw and Hartsville

We’re the only dental practice offering IV sedation in the area. Some dentists offer oral medication, where you take a pill an hour before your appointment. You’re still awake, but you feel more relaxed. We offer that service, too. But with IV sedation, we put you to sleep. Most people don’t remember anything when they wake up. It’s the best option if you have severe anxiety about dental procedures.

How Does IV Sedation Dentistry Work?

IV sedation at the dentist is similar to the sedation you get with a colonoscopy. It’s a safe and simple process. You still breathe on your own while you’re asleep and you won’t need a breathing tube.


We insert the IV into your arm or hand so the medication can enter your bloodstream. We’ll give you instructions before your appointment, but know that you can’t have anything to eat after midnight the night before your appointment.


And whatever type of sedation you choose — IV or pill — you’ll need someone to drive you home after your appointment.

Does Insurance Cover Sedation Dentistry?

Check with your plan for coverage specifics. Many insurance plans do cover sedation dentistry. We may also be able to bill your medical insurance.

Let Our Dental Family be YOUR Families Dental Care Provider

Ready to try IV Sedation? Call (843) 383-5126 (Hartsville) or (803) 220-1514 (Kershaw) to learn more about sedation dentistry and how it can benefit you!